Our calendar is packed with events and activities which recognise important cultural occasions, community programs, and provide opportunities to learn about the physical world. Please ask for a copy of the calendar at
reception on arrival.
The events support children’s learning about Being, Belonging and Becoming, in a number of ways.
Cultural Events teach children about their own and other cultures, helping them to develop a strong sense of Being and Belonging. Families are encouraged to become involved by providing items of cultural relevance, stories and costumes to promote cultural learning among the children.
We celebrate Chinese New Year, Australia Day, Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, Naidoc (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance), Easter and Christmas. We are also very keen to celebrate other cultural events of significance to children when requested by Parents. Please speak with your Room Leader to arrange.
Partnerships between home and the Centre are also encouraged through “Make a Gift with Mummy Day”, “Dad’s Construction Day”, and we host Grandparents for morning tea on two mornings during the year.
Community involvement is fostered through participation in Gold Week, which raises funds for the Children’s Hospital during their annual appeal in June. Red Nose Day is also recognised, to raise awareness and funding for SIDS. Families are encouraged to bring gifts for St Vinnies at Christmas, to help less advantaged families and children.
Learning about the physical environment, health and safety, are promoted through “Fit & Healthy” Week in August and Safety Month in November.
Lastly, some events are just for fun – including “Teddies and Dollies Day” (March), “Wear your PJ’s” Day (May), “Pirate” Day (June) and “Spring Fling” Week (October).